Our Vision, Mission and Principles

| Vision and Mission

We envision a world where people live secure lives with little to worry from the effects of existential risks. Friends Across Frontiers (FXF) believes it will achieve this vision by working beyond economic, political and geographic boundaries initiating collaborative interventions, stimulating country-learning exchanges and creating partnerships to promote and enhance social protection systems in SouthEast Asian region and beyond.


| Principles

In keeping with our vision of ensuring the people’s right to social security, we adhere to the following principles:

Accountability. We are committed to our work and take account of every plan and actions we make towards our beneficiaries and partners.

Community Involvement. We engage the communities and build their support to keep our programs relevant and effective.

Competence. We are driven and put that energy to work by showing skills and expertise in everything we do.

Equity. We do not show partiality in every work we do, but base our assistance on the need we see, prioritizing the more serious and urgent.

Social Solidarity. We believe we can only do so much by working together – across border, race, gender, political affiliation and beliefs.

Shared Response. We plan our programs in cognizance of the other initiatives of the global community to maximize the use of resources and complement them better.